GiveBig to Rainier Avenue Radio through May 6

GiveBIG 2020, Washington State’s annual online giving day, starts Tuesday May 5 and this year is extended through May 6th!

Visit our GiveBIG page anytime between now and May 6th to support Rainier Avenue Radio

as we continue delivering critical information in this time of need.


The COVID-19 crisis has only exacerbated the trauma facing the vulnerable populations we serve.

We appreciate any donation during the GiveBIG drive. Look below to see how your gift supports our work. Thank you!


$20: Supports locally produced community programs.

$50: Provides community members an hour of broadcast to share unique stories on air with a producer and engineer.

$100: Provides continued public Service Announcements to our communities in Multiple Languages.

$250: Provides advertising to South Seattle community businesses for 30 days as our small businesses navigate reopening and what that looks like.

$500: Covers the cost of our special coronavirus broadcasts featuring community leaders, health specialists, researchers, educators, childcare providers, and more.

$1000: Supports our overall efforts to provide educational opportunities through our Creative Arts Digital Media Academy (CADMA) for middle school students and student intern programs for high school students.

This is a uniquely challenging time for all of us, and those of us who can donate are facing difficult choices when choosing who to support.

The communities we work in are deeply impacted by the current quarantine more severely than other populations, just like they are disproportionately impacted by community safety challenges during “normal” times. Crime has not gone away, and some types of crime have even escalated.

We continue to try to help our south Seattle and surrounding communities navigate these difficult conditions by sharing information, education and awareness. We bring our resourcefulness, creativity, and commitment, to assist our communities through these strange times.

Please consider making a gift to Rainieravenueradio.

You can donate anytime now through May 6.


#GiveBigWA #GivingTuesday #nonprofit #taxdeductible #charitable #donation #Seattle #radiostation #independentmedia #communityradio #community #support #philanthropy


Rainier Avenue Radio Is YOUR South Seattle community radio station and digital media hub. We are proud to serve Seattle and surrounding communities with opportunities to engage with critical issues, compelling stories and quality entertainment. You'll hear a range of music; sports; regional traffic; local & national news; happenings around greater Seattle; and talk shows including political, current events, diverse languages, and children's programming created BY members of our communities…and we'll continue to broadcast "live" FROM our communities.

We are:

- A 24/7 internet radio station & multi-media network;

- Dedicated to amplifying the diverse voices of our communities;

- Providers of digital media training to community members to become Content Creators.

Listen on the Rainier Avenue Radio app, www.RainierAvenueRadio.World, on TuneIn or Alexa.

Follow: Facebook. Instagram @RainierAvenueRadio.World. Twitter @RainierAveRadio

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