7-24-21 Rally for Reparations, Unity, and Affordable Housing! Live on Rainier Avenue Radio
Rally for Reparations, Unity, and Affordable Housing!
Live on Rainier Avenue Radio SAT. JULY 24 12-3PM from New Hope Missionary Baptist Church Seattle
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ABOUT Fifty years ago, Seattle’s Democratic establishment forced New Hope Missionary Baptist Church, a historically Black church, to give up part of their land. Several working-class Black families were also forced to sell their homes under threat of eminent domain. Now, church members want the land returned so they can build affordable housing for Black and Brown working people. Please join the Reverend Robert L. Jeffrey, Sr., United Black Clergy, Black Lives Matter Seattle-King County, NAACP, Japanese American Citizens League, MLK Jr. Committee Members, Bethany United Church of Christ, Councilmember Kshama Sawant, and many local organizations in a community rally to call for the political establishment to return the church’s land and fund this urgently-needed affordable housing. Last year, our Tax Amazon movement, the Black Lives Matter protests, Black clergy, affordable housing advocates, and socialists won dedicated funds from the Amazon Tax each year to go toward Central District affordable housing. We know our communities need much more. Our fight to make this city affordable is tied to demanding that the city’s political elite correct the injustices of racist and economic gentrification.
Spruce Street Mini Park (21st & E. Fir, 98122)
SPONSORED BY: United Black Clergy MLK Jr. Committee Members The Nehemiah Project Women Rising Clean Greens Farm & Market